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Our Story

Ideal Hotel Services is a contract housekeeping & consulting business focused on providing the safest and most comfortable experience for hotel guests and workers.  Ideal offers flexible high-quality turnkey housekeeping, laundry, and consulting services with a unique emphasis on investing in the success of its workers.  Its innovative business model addresses both current industry challenges, e.g. sanitation and fluctuating demand, and long-term inefficiencies within the hotel labor market.  Ideal aims to become the leading third-party housekeeping provider in the San Francisco Bay Area within its first 5 years - with an aggressive plan to scale the model nationally and serve the needs of an expanding network of hotels and housekeepers.

Ideal was created with the goal of creating a profitable business that will grow into a network of worker owned cooperatives. The benefits of this approach go far beyond the obvious social gains, such as wealth building and financial stability for traditionally marginalized workers, and include: increased commitment and lower worker turnover, increased local economic activity, and strong internal governance practice that will contribute to the success of the business. 

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